Women And Break Ups 5 things heartbroken girls want guys to know


Women And Break Ups
5 things heartbroken girls want guys to know

Most would struggle to make other guys think they's moved on even though, it's always a BIG LIE!

Heartbreak  (Foxerbox)
When a woman goes through a break up, she becomes (1) angry or (2) full of hope about meeting someone way better than her ex. Not bad! Most would struggle to make other guys think they's moved on eeven though, it's always a BIG LIE! However, before she enters into another relationship, she tells herself, "I want to be ready first" and even when she's not, she goes, "maybe I should take this time to love me now."
Here are 5 things girls who are heartbroken want the next guy(s) to know:
You could literally die of heartbreak, according to new research
» more You could literally die of heartbreak, according to new research  (wikihow.com)
1. If she doesn't want to talk about her last relationship, respect that.
Why drudge up all that pain at the beginning of your courtship? She wants guys to ask about her not about her ex or past relationships. It has nothing to do with you!

2.  She tells herself there are still good guys out there.
Boys, make her believe again in true love. That's exactly what she really wants.

Women and break ups what boys should know
She doesn't want anyone new yet  (Divorcedgirlsmiling)
3.  She might not be 'actively' looking for anyone new.
The thing about heartbreak is that once it gets into your life and you have no idea when it's going to leave. It's almost like a bad cold but hey, you're still capable of doing things, but chances are you aren't out meeting hot singles in your area on a Friday nights. You might get over it when you meet someone new you're excited about, or it might just disappear one day, and you won't even notice it's gone because you finally feel normal again. Truth is, when a lady is looking into her wounded heart, she might not be actively seeking another mate, but that doesn't mean you don't have a chance. (Unless she says no. If she says no, respect that.)

4. She probably won't trust you right away.
Don’t be mad. Give her some time to get over her past. The thing about most men is they lie, and they do so all the time.  Because that's the mindset many women are in after an  nasty split. You have to "earn" her trust; you can't expect for her to automatically grant it to you. Because that's what she did with the last guy she was with and look how that turned out...                        
5. She could still be angry.
The thing about heartbreak is that it easily escalates from "my breakup was bad" to "my ex is stupid" to "men are bad" so bear with her misandrist jokes. (And laugh at them because they're funny as hell.)

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